The latest from John Pettit


More than just talk: Creating a culture that counts

I double dog dare you…to implement a culture that actually delivers. Diving into that realm does require chutzpah — from a leader who’s willing to go where others don’...

- by Marc Rapport,

Alabama Credit Union scores with ‘My Credit Score’

Strategists at Alabama Credit Union ($1.3B, Tuscaloosa, AL) figured they were on the money when the cooperative integrated a credit score app into its member-facing digital displays, and they ...

- by Bill Borkovitz, Jamey Cummings, CU Management

Three cybersecurity trends influencing IT leaders today

Some say that there are two types of companies: those that have been hacked and those that have been hacked but don’t yet know it. Today, all companies—including ...

- by CU Magazine

Removing barriers for Hispanic consumers

Illiana Financial Credit Union began to notice changes in the population across its service area in the Southern Chicago suburbs in 2013. Three of its four branches were in areas ...