The latest from John Pettit

- by Securian Financial

How to pay your bills when you can’t work

Life is unpredictable. One moment you’re healthy and active, and the next moment an accident or illness strikes unexpectedly and you’re not — a reality many people have recently ...

- by Jim Giacobbe, The Core

Why we need criticism

We all have blind spots that hinder performance and keep us from achieving our goals.  Blind Spots are personality traits and/or unhealthy behaviors that we don’t see but ...

- by Dataprise

A little cyber hygiene stops big problems

T-Mobile. Colonial Pipeline. Acer. What do they all have in common aside from being multibillion dollar companies? They’ve all been hacked in recent months due to poor cyber hygiene. ...

- by John Tuohy, SWBC LenderHUB

Equity market duration and the Wizard of Oz

Last week, Bank of America Corp.’s head of U.S. equity and quantitative strategy, Savita Subramanian, said something very interesting about the S&P 500: “The S&P 500 ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA Attorney’s Virtual Conference coming Oct. 26-28

Credit union attorneys can earn up to 12 CLE credits, including two hours of ethics credits, by attending CUNA Attorney’s Virtual Conference October 26-28. “Whether you serve as an ...

- by Bryan C. Cressey, CU Management

Leadership Matters: Making vision a reality

I’m going to give you a system that allows you to achieve your greatest visions. I’ve uncovered this process by using it: In 2015, I founded an innovative ...