The latest from John Pettit

- by Brandy Bruyere, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Recent DOJ SCRA enforcement actions

In the past week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) issued two enforcement actions for violations of the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (SCRA). While these cases do not involve credit unions, ...

- by Dinny Lechman, 2020 Analytics

How to identify members for proactive credit line increases

Credit scores and consumer spending habits have changed since the beginning of—and even throughout—the COVID-19 pandemic. FICO scores are up, credit card balances and delinquencies are down, and ...

- by CUNA

Join career-minded lenders on CUNA Lending Council

The pandemic and volatile economic landscape forced credit union lending leaders to implement efficiencies quickly while testing the scalability of their teams.  On December 1, some of these professionals will ...

- by CUNA News

NCUA announces post-examination survey pilot program

NCUA is piloting a new post-examination survey that will allow credit unions to provide timely feedback to the agency while helping to standardize the feedback process, according to the agency’...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

‘Deputize’ members in fraud fight

Fraud protection is the most important factor when consumers select a payment card, surpassing customer service, rewards, interest rates, and other factors, according to Javelin Strategy & Research. But few financial ...

- by Ignite Sales

Is your loan process blindly leading borrowers?

Loan origination systems have been transformational for banks and credit unions. They have streamlined very complex processes and combined previously siloed systems for more efficiency. And they make handling the ...