The latest from John Pettit

- by Paul Davis, CUES Blog

Six steps for how credit unions should explore fintech

Credit unions have been interested in working with fintech providers for quite some time. However, lingering concerns that fintechs, aka “digital disruptors,” would create more competition for traditional financial services ...

- by Vinod Tharakan, CU NextGen

Crack the code

In the credit union industry, fiscal responsibility to members is a big deal. So is the member experience. For these reasons, many credit unions are caught between pursuing a business ...

- by CUNA News

Global credit union membership surpasses 375 million

Improved supervision and data reporting in the world’s second-most populous country combined with continued growth across the globe resulted in a 29% year-to-year increase in international credit union membership, ...

- by Emily Engstrom, CU Management

The poor, misunderstood data center of excellence

The phrase “data center of excellence” has been known to strike fear in the hearts of many. That’s because it conjures up nightmarish visions of the most dreaded of ...

- by Brock Fritz, CU Magazine

The journey to CLO

The path toward becoming a chief lending officer (CLO)—no matter where you start—begins with realizing and vocalizing your intentions. “If you’re looking to make the climb, you ...

- by Craig Guillot, The Financial Brand

The beginning of the end for overdraft fees — what’s next?

In a time of rising consumer awareness, increasing competition and political and regulatory scrutiny, overdraft charges are casting some financial institutions as villains, even if they complying with Reg E ...