The latest from John Pettit

- by Richard H. Gamble, CU Management

Payments outages a scary possibility

Keeping the payments system running has always been so critical that elaborate arrangements of hardened perimeters, file back-ups, processing redundancies, frequent testing and many more such steps have been used ...

- by Dataprise

Vendor risk management explained: Plan for action

What is your organization doing to protect business information against the potential threat vendors present? Setting your organization up to take a tailored approach to vendor risk management and mitigation ...

- by CUCollaborate

How to qualify as a Minority Depository Institution

What is an MDI? Credit Unions that self-certify to the NCUA as Minority Depository Institutions are federally insured credit unions in which a majority of their current members, board of ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

The art behind decision-making

As human beings, we are hit with decisions each day; big and small. As leaders, certain decisions we make may have more impact due to the weight they carry on ...

- by Brock Fritz, CU Magazine

Offering staff trauma-informed support amid unrest

The COVID-19 pandemic and civil unrest of 2020 forced leaders across all industries, including credit unions, to examine their trauma-informed services. According to N’cho Behavioral Group Executive Director Hammad ...