The latest from John Pettit

- by Laurie Maddalena, MBA, CSP, CPCC, CU Management

NextGen Know-How: Demonstrate gratitude to your employees

The pandemic has impacted people in various ways over the past 18 months, and researchers are reporting that many employees are feeling exhausted, burned out and stressed. Gallup has found ...

- by Jack Fallis, DCUC Insights

Veterans Day 2021

On Veterans Day, we remember first those who fell and never came home. We remember our veterans with appreciation and respect.  We remember them as examples of valor and selfless ...

- by Georgann Smith, CUES Blog

Retooling culture measurement amid the great resignation

High employee satisfaction is often confused with strong organizational culture. While happy and engaged team members are key, they are not enough to ensure an organization’s ultimate success. Indeed, ...

- by Nick St. John, NAFCU Compliance Blog

BSA Basics: The role of the board and the supervisory committee

The NAFCU compliance team sometimes receives questions regarding the role of a credit union’s officers in Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) and anti-money laundering (AML) compliance. Let’s review some ...