The latest from John Pettit

- by Carl Vanko, NAFCU Services Blog

Looking for ways to connect with “next gen” members?

Every credit union is looking for ways to attract more next generation (next gen) members. After all, more than half of all Americans are of Millennial age or younger,1 ...

- by John McKechnie, Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC)

Capital Corner: The year-end promises drama

The DC year is getting close to the finish line…but the sheer size and scope of the unfinished business on Capitol Hill will dominate the proceedings from here on. ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA receives final nomination for board election

CUNA received its last nomination last week for its board election. The nomination period for the CUNA Board of Directors has now expired. For the special election, the director elected ...

- by Krystal Rennie, Adlumin

The need to know: 3 unique forms of social engineering

Over the last year, it’s safe to say we’ve become more social by using evolving technology and the internet. As cyber threats continue to run ramped, industries must ...