The latest from John Pettit

- by Sam Dicken, Shared iDiz

Fresh, never frozen lessons from Wendy’s marketing

Wendy’s digital marketing team has always been impressively in-tune with what the internet likes. They’ve long since become well-known for roasting people on Twitter, and to top it ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

NAFCU, CFPB meet to discuss CMS-IT exams

Members of NAFCU staff Tuesday met with the CFPB to discuss the Compliance Management System Information Technology (CMS-IT) exams. The exam procedures were published by the CFPB in September and ...

- by TransUnion

Building credit as an immigrant

If you’re new to the United States, you’ve probably got a lot on your mind. There’s plenty to do to get settled, including getting your finances in ...

- by Tim Foley, Think|Stack

Backup and recovery methods for financial institutions

What would your bank or credit union do if suddenly you lost access to all of your critical member and operational data? Could your business recover? Sounds like a nightmare ...

- by John Spence, The NAFCU Journal

Fundamentals to success

In preparation for authoring a new book, I have spent the last several months interviewing top CEOs from around the world. As I stepped back and looked across the hundreds ...