The latest from John Pettit

- by Diane Franklin, CU Management

A passion to include and serve

Joan Nelson, CUDE, has worked hard to reach the upper echelons of corporate leadership during a career spanning nearly 40 years. Nelson is VP/quote-to-cash operations for North America and ...

- by Zeke Hudson, CU 2.0

Can credit unions “win” by gamifying banking?

Gamification is the strategy of adding game-like elements to non-game things. The goal is to increase engagement, and it works. It works well. If the goal is to increase member ...

- by Chris Gottschalk, First Alliance Credit Union

3 tips for switching utilities that everyone should know

For many people, setting up utilities takes a backseat to the more pressing tasks of moving, like packing or hiring a moving company. However, it’s still an important step. ...

- by Ken Dickerson, Coviance

Sales equals service: 3 steps to better selling

Sales can be a scary word. No one wants to be “sold.” If you’re selling, you’re not serving. It doesn’t suggest active listening or problem-solving. In the ...

- by Blake Hastings, SWBC LenderHUB

2022 product outlook for financial institutions: payments

What’s on the horizon for credit unions, lenders, and other financial institutions in 2022? Our experts weigh in with a product outlook for payments in the coming year. 2022 ...

- by Summer Naomi Interior, CRMNEXT

2022: The year of better member servicing

Feeling charged up and ready to keep resolutions in 2022? If you’re anything like us, service sits at the top of that list. And when it comes to your ...

- by Co-op Solutions

It’s time to take a two-pronged approach to payments growth

Despite COVID’s continued, stubborn grip on the economy, banks are pursuing and capturing new credit cardholders with aggressive marketing strategies, more lenient underwriting criteria and rich rewards, while credit ...