The latest from John Pettit

- by Meredith Olmstead, FI GROW

How much should a new website cost your credit union?

Podcast Episode 15: The FIGROW team discusses the cost of rebuilding your bank or credit union website and creating a fully functioning “digital branch”.  What’s the difference? A website ...

- by Diane Franklin, CU Management

The board portal wish list

The board shouldn’t be “in the weeds” of analyzing possible board portal products. But the board can help management with product selection by setting out its vision and needs ...

- by Jim Marous, The Financial Brand

7 traits bankers can learn from Olympic champions

As I watch the Olympics, I am in awe of the skill of the athletes that compete at such a high level. While the media tends to focus only on ...

- by Blake Hastings, SWBC LenderHUB

2022 product outlook for financial institutions: CPI

With delinquencies expected to increase as government stimulus funds dry up, financial intuitions’ net interest margins will likely continue to be squeezed. As new car sales improve, 2022 should be ...

- by Bill Birnie, Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC)

View from the board: DCUC continues the fight

I’m not going to talk about COVID in this article.  I’m tired, real tired, with the phrase “these turbulent times” that seems to find itself in the first ...