The latest from John Pettit

- by Zach Hill, Think|Stack

Adopting a culture in the cloud

When an organization transitions to the cloud, the process is often viewed as an IT function, and while the transition and management of the cloud adoption falls under the purview ...

- by Richard H. Gamble, CU Management

Concentrated leadership a threat to survival

The fate of most businesses is determined by owners or shareholders. Lacking shareholders, the fate of most credit unions is determined by a small group of insiders. Technically, boards still ...

- by Directions Credit Union

Gas prices hurting your wallet? Check out these tips!

When gas prices increase, your wallet can feel the pinch. Fluctuating prices make it hard to budget. The following tips can help you save money whether prices are high or ...

- by David Baumann, CUCollaborate

NCUA issues funding request to congress for CDRLF program

Stating that the National Credit Union Administration (NCUA) each year receives grant requests that exceed available resources, board Chairman Todd Harper is requesting that Congress provide $4 million in FY23 ...

- by NAFCU Compliance Blog

NCUA’s advertising statement and websites

The NAFCU compliance team has received several questions in recent weeks regarding whether a federally-insured credit union (ficu) can include the “official advertising statement” regarding share insurance in the footer ...