The latest from John Pettit

- by Dataprise

IoT security weaknesses

The Internet of Things (IoT) is essentially a network of devices that are interconnected to function as a larger unit. At home, you might have your alarm clock trigger your ...

- by Christopher Stevenson, CAE, CIE, CUES Blog

Purposeful Talent Development: People strategy begins with process

Most business leaders know the importance of their people. Statements like “Our people are our most important asset,” “Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” or “Our people make the difference,” allude ...

- by Jennifer Plager, CU Magazine

PODCAST: Going fee free

Members at Amplify Credit Union no longer have to worry about incurring any fees on their accounts. The $1.2 billion asset credit union in Austin, Texas, switched to a ...

- by Keith Schostag, NAFCU Compliance Blog

What’s with all the chapters?

Have you had members declare bankruptcy recently? Is your first thought when you see Chapter 7 or Chapter 13: “why are my members doing book reports instead of paying back ...