The latest from John Pettit

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

Five marketing red flags to avoid

There are common marketing mistakes that are easy to fall into no matter how many years you’ve been in the business. I call these red flags. When you see ...

- by Brice Yocum, JD, CSME, CCE, CUES Blog

To innovate, get nervous

When you find success, a lot of people are going to want the results you’ve had, but the question will be: “Are they willing to do what you’ve ...

- by Scott D. Knapp, CFA, CU Management

What comes after the “Great Moderation”?

Discussions about regime change usually occur in a geopolitical context when one country’s leaders seek to replace their counterparts in another. But emergence of regimes and changes associated therewith ...

- by Jennifer Plager, CU Magazine

Creating a culture that rocks

A little girl wearing a princess dress approaches a counter to buy an ice cream cone. When she nears the counter, the man working the register bows and announces her ...

- by NAFCU Compliance Blog

CFPB releases report documenting rural banking issues

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) recently issued a report titled, Data Spotlight: Challenges in Rural Banking Access (report), documenting the challenges rural communities in America face relating to access ...