The latest from John Pettit

- by CUNA News

Final flood Q&As reflect CUNA-sought clarifications

NCUA and other federal financial regulators issued a joint rule finalizing significant changes to Flood Insurance Questions and Answers made by the Biggert-Waters Flood Insurance Reform Act of 2012 and ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

House passes Fair Hiring in Banking Act

The House Wednesday passed H.R. 5911, the Fair Hiring in Banking Act, by a 329-88 vote. The bill, originally introduced by Senator Joe Manchin, D-W.Va. and led in ...

- by Jerry Boebel, CU Management

CFO Focus: Why use multiple CECL models?

As we continue marching towards final adoption of the Fair Accounting Standards Board’s ASC-326 (a.k.a., current expected credit loss, or CECL for short) in January 2023, community ...

- by Joan Cleveland, SWBC PersonalHUB

Creative solutions to 3 REALLY weird insurance claims

One of the unexpected issues the first Apollo mission encountered had nothing to do with the mission itself. Instead, it was the ability of astronauts to obtain adequate life insurance. ...