The latest from John Pettit

- by Jami Jennings, VisiFI

Evolution or revolution?

There’s no shortage of statistics that tell you that in this age of digital transformation, members and prospective members are often ahead of credit unions in the adoption of ...

- by Keith Schostag, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Credit unions and the automatic stay

We’re all taught to stop, drop, and roll when it comes to catching fire, but we’re not always taught to stop and freeze all collection activity when it ...

- by David Baumann, CUCollaborate

Treasury: CDFI program requests far outpace available money

The Treasury Department had good news and bad news for the Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFI) program on Tuesday. The good news: the program is growing in popularity, with 719 ...

- by Elan

Trends all credit unions want to know

We live in a fast-paced world and staying up to date on trends in the credit card industry can be daunting.  Let Elan’s thought leaders and in-depth research help ...

- by CUNA News

CFPB should bolster oversight of nonbank financial services

CUNA appreciates the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) bolstering its oversight of nonbanks in consumer financial services, it said in comments filed Tuesday. The CFPB issued a procedural rule amending ...