The latest from John Pettit

- by TransUnion

How long does it take to rebuild credit?

It can be disheartening to see your credit score drop after a financial setback. Whether you missed mortgage payments, made the hard choice to file for bankruptcy or faced something ...

- by Cameron Madill, The Remarkable Credit Union

Cryptocurrency and credit unions: Where to start?

If you’re like most of us, you find cryptocurrency a bit… well, cryptic. While we’re intrigued, we’re also uncertain—and even moreso after the recent crypto crash. ...

- by Paul Timm, NAFCU Services Blog

Reframing the homeownership journey: The first step

More than ever before, homebuying has become an increasingly stressful process. What should end in joy; moving into new, cozy surroundings and getting a fresh start, can instead feel like ...

- by CUNA News

Credit union leaders meet with Congressional Black Caucus

Leaders from CUNA, the Illinois Credit Union League, Faith-Based Credit Union Alliance, Inclusiv, and CUNA Mutual Group, met with leaders from the Congressional Black Caucus (CBC) in Chicago. The groups ...

- by Lisa Hochgraf, CU Management

The value of the rainbow market

Keynoting Friday’s CU Pride Leadership Conference, both the chair of the board of the National Credit Union Administration and a regional VP at Visa encouraged program participants to keep ...

- by Laura Lynch, CUES Blog

Help members avoid QR code scams

The latest edition of First Line of Defense™ raises the alarm on two key kinds of fraud and how to spot them: quick response code scams and car wrap scams. ...