The latest from John Pettit

- by CUNA News

House passes bill modernizing credit union fields of membership

The House passed the CUNA-League-led Expanding Financial Access for Underserved Communities Act Wednesday as part of a larger financial services bill. CUNA, Leagues, credit unions, and system partners strongly support ...

- by Brock Fritz, CU Magazine

Faith fuels credit union calling

At a bank where Suzette Cowell used to work, loan applications from two Toledo, Ohio, ZIP codes were automatic rejections. Now, Cowell leads a credit union located in one of ...

- by Garret Reich, The Financial Brand

5 ways banks need to engage Gen Z and Millennials

It’s easy to conclude that every generation experiences the same growing pains: adolescence into adulthood; post-college into the challenge of simultaneously navigating a family and career. But many generational ...