The latest from John Pettit

- by Angela Prestil and Katy Zaleski, CU Management

Everyone learns when African and U.S. credit union people get together

The credit union movement is an international phenomenon. Our training to become credit union development educators and African development educators (and Angela’s to become an international CUDE and advanced ...

- by QCash Financial CUSO

Digital alternatives a necessary solution for the underbanked

According to the Federal Reserve, approximately 63 million Americans are either underbanked or unbanked. For the underbanked, specifically, even if they are a customer or credit union member they rarely ...

- by Steve Balmer, PSCU

Enhancing your disputes management strategy

The number of fraud and non-fraud disputes, or chargebacks, has spiked significantly in recent years, causing substantial processing delays and increased cardholder dissatisfaction. Mercator Advisory Group estimates that the number ...

- by Tom Glatt Jr., Glatt Consulting

How does your team approach risk?

Have you ever thought much about the phrase “center of gravity?” While more often used in a physics context, the idea of center of gravity is a very interesting concept ...