The latest from John Pettit

- by Victoria Penn, SWBC LenderHUB

Step up your SEO efforts with optimized GMB listings

There are a lot of acronyms in the world of marketing, and one that often gets tossed around is “SEO.” SEO stands for search engine optimization, and it’s one ...

- by Co-op Solutions

How an installment payment program helps credit unions compete

Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) offerings are popping up everywhere, from big banks to retailers to fintechs. While consumers enjoy the flexibility afforded by installment payment options, credit unions have ...

- by Elizabeth Rider, On The Mark Strategies

We’re halfway to 2023. Are you ready?

Yes, we’re asking you to think about the new year in the middle of summer vacations and backyard BBQs. Why? Because your competition isn’t, and preparation is always ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

How to ‘show up’ for yourself and for others

As leaders, it can become easy to stick to a routine because it seems comfortable. But, have you ever thought about pressing the ‘reset’ button on your day-to-day life and ...

- by Momentum

Finding a sense of purpose in returning to the office

For most organizations the time of return to office (RTO) has arrived, whether it’s fully in-person or a hybrid working arrangement. Yet while polls consistently show that most employees ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA raises CDFI concerns to Treasury

CUNA sent a letter to CDFI Fund Director Jodie Harris regarding reports concerning credit unions being awarded a CDFI designation only to be revoked until they cure perceived deficiencies. “Multiple ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

FOMC minutes reveal concerns about persistent inflation

The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) Wednesday released minutes from its June meeting that revealed participants agreed that the economic outlook warranted moving to a restrictive stance of policy, and ...