The latest from John Pettit

- by Anthony Hernandez, DCUC Insights

The American spirit

This month our Country celebrated its 247th birthday! The American Spirit since 1776 is a belief in our ability to self-determine our future along with the individual liberty to pursue ...

- by Nick St. John, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Risky business: Every customer is different

When it comes to money laundering (ML) and terrorist financing (TF) risk, potential members are not created equally. In fact, there are certain professions or businesses that have been identified ...

- by Shawn Temple, On The Mark Strategies

Focus like a Barn Swallow

A Barn Swallow is a little bird found abundantly across North America…and it has a strategic focus unlike any other. It’s recognizable by it’s cobalt blue and ...

- by Brock Fritz, CU Magazine

PODCAST: The modern workplace

Hawaii State Federal Credit Union’s new 70,000-square foot, 10-story office building creates a safe, welcoming place for employees to return to the office. Each floor will include a “...