The latest from John Pettit

- by Anna Sherrod, PSCU

Generation Z, financial wellness and the future of payments

Members of Generation Z – the demographic born between 1995 and 2015 – are now beginning to more fully explore financial services for themselves. As they embrace the financial system, Gen Z, ...

- by The CU Lab

What does CECL mean for TDRs?

In this episode, we are joined by Mike Umscheid, CEO of ARCSys. Mike is an expert in everything CECL and will be touching on what CECL means for Troubled Debt ...

- by The Telegraph

Let’s celebrate!

The Basel Committee’s recent release of its High-level Considerations on Proportionality is cause to celebrate for credit unions. While the Basel III Framework always had proportionality built into the ...

- by Ann Davidson, NAFCU Services Blog

Card not present fraud is skyrocketing

Financial institutions across the country are experiencing the rise of fraud, particularly in the area of card fraud. As touchless payments and online transactions increase, the type of card fraud ...