The latest from John Pettit

- by CU Magazine

4 actionable insights for strategic planning

When it’s time for your next strategic planning session, what topics will be top of mind when preparing for your credit union’s future? The 2022-2023 CUNA Environmental Scan (...

- by Miles Hoffman, CUES Blog

Sustainability isn’t solely about the environment

Incorporating sustainability into business culture and operations is nothing new. Organizations have been weaving in small-scale solutions for decades. “Think before you print” taglines popped up in the early 2000s. ...

- by Chris Gottschalk, First Alliance Credit Union

What the heck is an escrow account?

Some financial terms are easy to understand, like “money” or “savings account.” Other terms, though, can be a bit harder to understand, like “escrow.” You might have seen this term, ...