The latest from John Pettit

- by Brock Fritz, CU Magazine

Gift card program helps Kentucky flood victims

Severe flooding has impacted eastern Kentucky since late July. The damage hit home for the Kentucky Credit Union League (KCUL), as credit union members and communities were impacted directly by ...

- by Co-op Solutions

5 spending predictions for this fall

As the summer winds down, the state of the economy weighs on the minds of many. But the news is not all bad as some measures of economic health have ...

- by Laura Sehres, PSCU

Unconscious bias and conscious inclusion at work

According to research and consulting firm Gartner, teams with high diversity and inclusion show better adaptability, work satisfaction, creativity and loyalty to their company. Diversity is incredibly important to increasing ...

- by David Baumann, CUCollaborate

CDFI Small Dollar Loan applications far exceed available funding

CDFIs have submitted applications requesting $32.1 million from the CDFI Small Dollar Loan Program—almost three times the amount of funding available, the Treasury Department announced Friday. Up to $...

- by Justin White, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Board of directors and reasonable health insurance

NCUA is somewhat ambiguous of what it considers reasonable health insurance and has addressed this issue on a case-by-case basis. Along the way, NCUA has issued several NCUA Legal Opinion ...