The latest from John Pettit

- by Elizabeth Rider, On The Mark Strategies

Email updates every leader should subscribe to

In sales they say, “always be closing.” For leadership, the phrase should be “always be reading.” Inc. reports that most executives read four to five books a month. Don’t ...

- by QCash Financial CUSO

CDFI Fund’s SDL Program in high demand

For anyone wondering if the purpose of small dollar loans in this country has waned, allow the last couple years and last week’s CDFI Fund news to be a ...

- by Blake Hastings, SWBC LenderHUB

Q3-4 2022 economic outlook for small businesses

With a possible recession on the horizon, growth normalizing, continued supply chain issues, and a tight labor market, navigating the remainder of 2022 and 2023 will be tricky for small ...

- by David Baumann, CUCollaborate

GAO: Make FinCEN data available to financial institutions

Credit union trade groups have long argued that financial institutions should receive some feedback about how Suspicious Activity Reports (SARs) filed under anti-money laundering laws are used. Now, the Government ...

- by The Telegraph

Listen up!

Listen Up! This is what my elementary school teacher used to tell me to try and get me to pay attention in class. I feel like I need to shout “...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Hear from Rep. Luetkemeyer at NAFCU Congressional Caucus

Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer, R-Mo., has joined the lineup of lawmakers set to address credit unions during NAFCU’s Congressional Caucus, happening September 11-14 in Washington, D.C. Luetkemeyer serves as ...

- by TransUnion

What is inflation and how does it impact my credit?

Inflation is top of mind for many people. According to our Q2 2022 Consumer Pulse survey, almost all consumers (95%) are worried about inflation. Inflation can have a direct, financial ...