The latest from John Pettit

- by NAFCU Newsroom

SAFE Banking Act on table as part of NDAA

While Members of Congress are back home in their districts, NAFCU is encouraging credit unions to request their local lawmakers support the Secure and Fair Enforcement (SAFE) Banking Act. In ...

- by Tiffany Taylor and Kristen Jason, Alacriti

ISO 20022: Why after almost 2 decades it’s more important than ever

ISO 20022 is a globally accepted messaging standardization approach (methodology, process, repository) to be used by all financial standards initiatives as a common platform for the development of messages. It ...

- by Nick St. John, NAFCU Compliance Blog

FinCEN adopts the first of three CTA rules

Greetings, Compliance folks! Fall is in full swing – I recently took a trip to upstate New York for a family function and was delighted to see the gorgeous fall foliage ...

- by David Baumann, CUCollaborate

NCRC: ‘mystery shopper’ study shows bias in appraisal industry

Having employed “mystery shoppers” in an investigation, the National Community Reinvestment Coalition reported Tuesday that racial bias continues to plague the home appraisal industry. Using inter-racial couples in the Baltimore, ...

The DCUC difference: Helping credit unions serve our military
- by Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC)

The DCUC difference: Helping credit unions serve our military

Speaking military is what The Defense Credit Union Council (DCUC) does best. We pride ourselves in offering our expertise as an available resource for all credit unions, whether operating on ...