The latest from John Pettit

- by Jennifer Robison and Garret Reich, The Financial Brand

How to define the generations: The ultimate guide for marketers

Generational segmentation is the backbone of demographic marketing — but how is each generation defined? Exactly who is considered a Boomer and who is Gen X? What are the birth years ...

- by Richard H. Gamble, CUES Blog

COVID spending fever and other trends to plan for in 2023

Trends credit unions should be monitoring for 2023 include “COVID spending fever,” competition, deposit pricing, tax and insurance increases on escrow, and mergers. COVID Spending Fever One factor carrying over ...

- by David Baumann, CUCollaborate

CFPB announces repeat offender, auto lending initiatives

Even as its future funding remains unclear, the CFPB has announced two new initiatives—one to increase its focus on repeat offenders and the other to gather information about the ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Make your voice heard in Washington

Earlier this month, millions flocked to the polls to cast their vote in the midterm elections. In fact, some are reporting that while the votes are still not finalized, 2022 ...

- by Jim Nussle, The Nussle Report

And the CUNA National Award winners are…

Our National Awards Committee announced the 2022 award recipients this week. Each year state Leagues help the committee to identify credit unions and organizations for the: Dora Maxwell Social Responsibility ...