The latest from John Pettit

- by Jim Nussle, The Nussle Report

Awareness continues to reach consumers

Credit Union Awareness continues to be a pillar of our Financial Well-being for All work and connected more than 10,000 consumers with a participating credit union in the final ...

- by Anthony Demangone, Musings from the CU Suite

I know … that I don’t know much

All of us try to understand the world around us – we have duties to serve broad constituencies, so we must see the world as it is. But a dangerous thing ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

FHA to offer NAFCU-supported 40-year mortgage modification

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) finalized a rule to allow a standalone 40-year loan modification for mortgagees with Federal Housing Administration (FHA)-insured loans to cure a ...

- by Emily Claus, CUSO Magazine

Monthly board meetings: Necessary or burdensome?

In January of 2023, the House passed the Credit Union Board Modernization Bill, which aims to reduce the number of required board meetings from monthly to six times annually and ...

- by Ryan Nobles, Frank Thorp V, Zoë Richards and Kevin Collier, NBC News

Data breach hits ‘hundreds’ of lawmakers and staff on Capitol Hill

A top House official said that a “significant data breach” at the health insurance marketplace for Washington, D.C., on Tuesday potentially exposed personal identifiable information of hundreds of lawmakers ...

- by Dan Draz, PSCU

What fraud fighting tools are in your toolbox?

There’s only one constant about fraud — and that is it’s constantly changing. Fraud is fluid, dynamic and often different from one day to the next. When one method ...