The latest from John Pettit

- by Sydney Mayer, Zogo

The secret weapon to transform your credit union

Throughout the last hundred-plus years, credit unions have kept up with the times to continue serving members nationwide. But as our fast-paced world keeps evolving even faster and swanky new ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

CPI rises, affirms persistent inflation concerns

On a seasonally-adjusted basis, overall consumer prices rose 0.4 percent in February, with the overall consumer price index (CPI) growing 6 percent year-over-year. NAFCU Economist Noah Yosif analyzed the ...

- by Sean Galli, On The Mark Strategies

Is your marketing strategy missing messaging opportunities?

Sometimes the perfect message is hidden away and hard to discover. Sometimes the right messaging opportunities are staring you in the face. But your community bank or credit union marketing ...

- by Jason Vitug, Phroogal

5 value-based reasons you should join a credit union

A study of 10,000 millennials showed the four most hated brands were banks. This is probably why many of us have turned to alternative nonbanks and startups. However, credit ...

- by Upstart

Leaders in Lending | Ep. 100: “Bank your size”

Small businesses are the backbone of America. But, too often, they partner with banks that don’t offer the personal touch, care or attention their business deserves. In this episode, ...