The latest from John Pettit

- by Michael Christians, CU Magazine

Know your training obligations

Front-line staff wear many hats throughout the day. You might start your day assisting members on the teller line only to find yourself at the new accounts desk after lunch. ...

- by Ray Birch,

Firewalls are just the beginning

Firewalls and other defenses aimed at keeping crooks from penetrating the CU are no longer enough, according to one expert, who said the most skilled organizations now recognize penetrations will ...

- by Marne Franklin, Your Marketing Co.

The origins of great marketing: Data or creativity?

A few days ago, I spoke at the New Jersey Credit Union League’s Marketing Conference. My presentation was on Improving the Member Experience Across Digital Channels. Without getting into ...

- by Richard Gallagher, CUES Skybox

Be a hummingbird, not a gnat

The other day I had a few minutes to myself and found myself thinking about the difference between gnats and hummingbirds. Gnats can be annoying. Okay, gnats are always annoying. ...

- by Kelly Flynn, ADVANTAGE, powered by JMFA

Don’t sign that contract without a second opinion

Before you buy a used car, you take it to a mechanic. When you’re under the weather, you go to a doctor. When you face a dilemma, you consult ...