The latest from John Pettit

- by Jennifer Stangl, CUES Skybox

Purposeful talent development: Avoid the shortage

While the writing has been on the wall for a while, business leaders are now starting to directly feel the effects of insufficient bench strength during a critical talent shortage. ...

- by Henry Meier, State of Mind

McWatters telecommutes: So what?

It’s been more than a week now since the Washington Post reportedwhat anyone who follows the NCUA has known for a while: Chairman J. Mark McWatters doesn’t care ...

- by Neen James

Retain talent: Pay attention to employees

Think back through your career and recall the best boss you’ve ever had. What made them so special and unique? Chances are better than not, they gave you authentic, ...

- by Brandy Bruyere, NAFCU Compliance Blog

The word of the day is…preemption

Federal credit unions ask about preemption from time to time, and we’ve blogged on the topic more generally in the past. A recent appellate case out of the Ninth ...

- by CU Magazine

Avoid these NCUA Call Report pain points

The NCUA Call Report aims to measure and identify risks and potential red flags at your credit union. But the report and instructions for filling it out are, in some ...