The latest from John Pettit

- by Your Marketing Co.

Why your brand is breaking down

I’m about to say something unpopular. What I have the audacity to suggest should have some marketing professionals scratching a line off their resume or LinkedIn profile. It will ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

NAFCU’s RBC-delay provision advances out of committee

The House Financial Services Committee yesterday advanced out of committee a NAFCU-sought provision to delay the implementation of NCUA’s risk based capital (RBC) rule by two years that is ...

- by Arnie Goldberg, CU Management

Tech Time: Virtual and augmented reality check

Credit unions often wonder whether their growth strategies should include more emphasis on emerging technologies like virtual reality and augmented reality to keep their current members wowed and  attract new ...

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

Cannabis & banking: What are the implications?

Although 30 states and the District of Columbia have legalized some form of cannabis, and 400 U.S. financial institutions provide accounts for marijuana-related businesses (MRBs), the federal government still ...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

No place for complacency in disaster recovery compliance

From a pure business survivability standpoint, it’s crucial to have Disaster Recovery Plans in place and test on a regular basis. Afterall, according to a recent study, 90% of ...

- by Glenn Harrison, CUES Skybox

3 more ways to prepare for ‘Carmageddon’

About midway through 2018, the drastic falloff in auto lending predicted by some auto lending industry analysts—dubbed “carmageddon” by some—hasn’t come to pass. Vehicle sales are still ...