The latest from John Pettit

- by Jennifer Aguilar, NAFCU Compliance Blog

“Free” accounts and overdraft fees

As I am sure you are all aware, the Truth in Savings regulation has strict rules on when credit unions may advertise an account as “free.” Essentially, if a maintenance ...

- by CUNA News

Compliance: S. 2155 effects on member ID program

With S. 2155 signed into law, credit unions are curious about when its regulatory relief provisions take effect, and if any guidance will be available. CUNA’s compliance staff has ...

- by Mark Messick, CU Management

5 trends shaping the future of member business lending

Many credit unions prioritize the digital optimization of their retail experience, but they cannot disregard the channels critical to business member engagement—particularly member business lending. As the CU industry ...

- by Ray Birch,

Member service over fraud losses?

Credit unions face a tough decision regarding the popular remote deposit capture–accept more fraud losses or make a policy change that could impact member service. RDC, a service provided ...

- by Jim Nussle, CUNA Councils

The Nussle Report – Zero in on CFPB reg-relief

With S. 2155 the law of the land, we’re not taking a breather. Instead, we’re focusing on earning more regulatory relief. We intend to make it clear that ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

7 ways to boost your bottom line

The people-side of your organization may be more important than you think. Employee performance has a direct impact on you, other team members, customers and, ultimately, your bottom line. Leadership ...