The latest from John Pettit

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

Where do you stand as a leader?

Leaders are not rare. Every sector of business has them – good and bad. When evaluating the performance and abilities of great leaders, do you ever wonder how you stack up? ...

- by Marc Rapport,

A path to financial independence

Border Federal Credit Union($147.0M, Del Rio, TX) knew it was helping people help themselves, but after more than a decade of providing financial counseling, the credit union had ...

- by CUNA News

Comments on final two BCFP RFIs due in July

Credit unions will have two final opportunities to comment on Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection Requests for Information (RFI) this month. These deadlines will wrap up the bureau’s series ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

NAFCU files 2nd ADA amicus in appeals court, 14th overall

NAFCU yesterday filed its 14th amicus brief in support of credit unions targeted by Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) website accessibility litigation. This amicus, in support of Northwest Federal Credit ...

- by Jennifer Woldt, CU Magazine

Daniel Lerner: Pursue your passion

Can happiness and success co-exist? That depends on how you define success. “The idea of happiness and success don’t always go together,” says Daniel Lerner, co-author of “U Thrive: ...

- by Scott Lanman, CU Times

U.S. consumer comfort nears 17-year high

Americans’ sentiment approached a 17-year high last week on increasingly upbeat views of the economy and personal finances, the Bloomberg Consumer Comfort Index showed Thursday. Weekly index increased to 57....

- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

Instead of start… stop. Just stop.

It’s now July and time for a mid-year review. I’m willing to bet there are a quite a few to-dos left on your marketing plan that haven’t ...

- by Lou Grilli, The Payments Review

Contactless cards: An independent, unbiased opinion

Two years ago, ThePaymentsReview published an article asking the question “Will contactless payment cards catch on in the United States?” So far, they have not. But if it is up ...