The latest from John Pettit

- by EverFi

Search Engine Optimization for credit unions

While it has and continues to constantly evolve, Search Engine Optimization for credit unions has never been a more vital marketing channel. Where your credit union falls in a Google ...

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

Avoiding a marketing debacle of build-a-bear magnitude

It was the shot heard ‘round the world last week when Build-a-Bear Workshop posted an urgent message on social media that it was closing lines on its Pay Your Age ...

- by Jennifer Aguilar, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Credit union committees: Required or optional?

As I am sure you are all aware, NCUA’s model bylaws provide for the formation of several committees to assist the board in carrying out its duties. While committees ...

- by Henry Meier, State of Mind

Why your CU is not on the hook for a Venmo mistake

I can see why people are intrigued by Venmo, the platform which facilitates person-to-person cash transfers. With a mobile phone it makes everything from paying up after a poker game ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA letter supports amendment to JOBS Act

CUNA issued a letter urging House leadership to Title XVII of the House Amendment to S. 488, the JOBS and Investor Confidence Act of 2018, which would delay the risk-based ...

- by Paul Seibert, CMC, CU Management

Facility Solutions: Big opportunity in small markets?

Large banks are closing branches in small markets to focus on more profitable markets where they can leverage efficiencies of scale, marketing dollars and favorable demographics. For example, Bank of ...

- by Jennifer Woldt, CU Magazine

Want to be a better leader? Learn about yourself

The journey to becoming an authentic and effective leader starts by taking a moment to learn about yourself, says Jamie Marsh, director of BBA Career Services at the University of ...