The latest from John Pettit

- by Kenia Calderon, Coopera

Optimizing the Hispanic digital experience

Digital transformation is the new buzz phrase across many industries, including financial services. And while optimizing consumers’ experience should be the focus of digital transformation, a successful strategy isn’t ...

- by Craig Sauer, CU Magazine

4 ways to deepen member relationships

Increasing member share of wallet–the amount of business a member does with your credit union versus banks or other financial services companies–is a constant battle. In the CUNA ...

- by Ray Birch,

A new solution to detect phony cards

A new technology is being tested to battle counterfeit cards at the point of sale–it detects fake cards by how they are encoded. Analysts say that the solution may ...

- by Marc Rapport,

The countdown to CECL has begun

Credit unions are counting down to an accounting sea change. New current expected credit loss (CECL) standards will take effect at the end of 2021 for all financial institutions. Credit ...