The latest from John Pettit

- by Henry Meier, State of Mind

Seven questions about fintech charters

Yesterday’s announcement by the OCC that it will begin accepting FinTech Bank charter applications is as big a development for banking as passage of the Riegle-Neal Act in 1994 ...

- by CUNA News

CUNA Business Lending Roundtable set for San Diego

The next CUNA Business Lending Roundtable will be held Jan. 29-30, 2019, in San Diego. This discussion-based event will cover a wide array of current and upcoming developments and issues ...

- by Chuck Smith, CU Management

Loan Zone: Serving owners of manufactured homes

Despite news reports that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will start pilot programs for chattel manufactured home loans, don’t look for a big move by them any time soon ...

- by Peter Strozniak, CU Times

CEO leaves New Hampshire’s largest credit union

New Hampshire’s largest credit union is not saying why its former CEO/president David Van Rossum is no longer working at the $3.3 billion Service Credit Union in ...

- by Lou Grilli, The Payments Review

Breached or soon to be breached … plan anyway (Part 1)

“… credit unions are no longer flying under the radar – credit unions are targets of cybercriminal activity.” – Larry Fazio, Deputy Executive Director, NCUA The increased use of mobile platform access, for ...

- by Jay Petty, Mitchell Stankovic Underground

Don’t let your credit union flatline

With the aging of the baby boomers, we are seeing a tidal wave of credit union CEO retirements. Despite seeing great progress in the credit union movement, we find that ...