The latest from John Pettit

- by Jim Nussle, CU Magazine

S. 2155: How we did it

Our Campaign for Common-Sense Regulation had one goal: Deliver real regulatory relief for credit unions. By now, you know we succeeded. On May 24, President Donald Trump signed into law ...

- by Peter Strozniak, CU Times

Michaels named new CEO of multibillion-dollar CU

Brandon Michaels was only 32 years old when he was appointed president/CEO of Mazuma Credit Union in 2012, and was one of the first from the millennial generation to ...

- by Ann Davidson, NAFCU Services Blog

Understanding and preventing synthetic identity fraud

Phishing scams, data breaches, hacks and physical theft are just a few of the techniques cybercriminals use to steal consumers’ private information. Synthetic identity fraud is one type of fraud ...

- by Frank Allgood, Your Marketing Co.

Your financial institution is fake news

Back in my old journalism days, a crotchety, pipe-wielding, testy newspaper publisher once asked the team why we were in business. To break news? Nope. To ensure a well-informed citizenry? ...