The latest from John Pettit


It’s about the who not the what

As I sit around the table with my project team, we discuss who we are trying to help. This is an important step in design thinking, who are you trying ...

- by Paul Seibert, CMC, CU Management

Facility Solutions: Philanthropy and branching

An important element of every credit union’s business plan is philanthropy. How do we as an organization give back to the communities we serve? Most credit unions support local ...

- by Ray Birch,

Number of borrowers below prime shrinking

New data indicate subprime auto loans are declining, but it’s not the result of big banks such as Wells Fargo exiting the business as much as it is due ...

- by Deedee Myers, CUES NTCUE

After strategic planning: The missing link

The board of directors approved the strategic plan, and all the work that led up to the strategic planning event culminated in the alignment of the vision, mission, and strategic ...

- by Alexandra Gekas,

It’s time to make your credit union a lifestyle brand

How well-positioned is your credit union to help members lead more secure and, presumably, better-funded, lives? Quite well, right? But how well are you placing your members at the center ...