The latest from John Pettit

- by Reginald Watson, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Back to school! S.2155 amendments to private student loans

Greetings Compliance Friends! School is back in full swing up here in the nation’s capital, and unfortunately so is morning rush hour. While the NAFCU compliance team can’t ...

- by Kenia Calderon, Coopera

Helping Hispanic students pursue STEM careers

According to the U.S. Department of Commerce, employment opportunities in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) are booming, with 24.4 percent growth over the last decade. Yet, not ...

- by Craig Sauer, CU Magazine

Branch staff take center stage amid transformations

For many financial institutions, the teller line is no longer a line and a teller is no longer a teller. Technology, consumer preferences, and design changes have altered the way ...

- by Ray Birch,

Big percentage of this portfolio going away?

What are credit unions going to do if they lose 40% of their auto lending portfolio? It’s a difficult question to answer, and unfathomable to many. But is also ...

- by Elizabeth M. Young LaBerge, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Finally! The annual privacy notice exception goes final

If a comet or other projectile were to destroy the planet Saturn, it would take 767 days for gravity to pull its remains into the sun. Coincidentally, that is also ...

- by Amy McCaughey, Ongoing Operations

Hurricane Preparedness: Is your credit union ready?

Many threats face credit unions, but the forces of nature represent a growing yearly risk. How can you prepare for a hurricane? And how can you test your plans to ...