The latest from John Pettit

- by Maurice Smith, CU Magazine

Pure governance magic

Serving as the chairman of your CUNA Board is one of the highlights of my nearly 40-year career. From this perch, I have gained a fuller appreciation for the genius ...

- by Ray Birch,

How to overcome a challenging Catch-22?

It’s the most vexing Catch-22 of all for smaller credit unions: they will grow when they have more time and resources available, and they will have more time and ...

- by Taylor W. Wells, On The Mark Strategies

Pumpkin spice used car loans?

A series of funny memes is making the rounds on Facebook that for once doesn’t involve cats. Here’s the one that stuck with me most:     I love autumn ...

- by Lou Grilli, The Payments Review

Breached or soon to be breached . . . plan anyway (Part 3)

Understanding and managing the risks associated with the changing world of data security, and being prepared for breaches and how to respond, have become business necessities. This three-part series, based ...

- by Bill Streeter, The Financial Brand

Four ways to become consumers’ primary financial institution

In today’s hyper-competitive banking market, sitting around waiting for more business to just walk through the front door will cripple any financial institution. But sales and marketing consultant Duane ...

- by Sharon Simpson,

Caroline Willard on leadership

Attention to detail and a drive for quality are part of Caroline Willard’s DNA, thanks to four years of working at Disneyland as a college student. When American First ...