The latest from John Pettit

- by Bill Merrick, CU Magazine

Cybersecurity: What’s your level of preparedness?

NCUA is using a new tool to gauge credit unions’ level of cybersecurity preparedness: The Automated Cybersecurity Examination Tool (ACET). Developed in 2017, ACET consists of an inherent risk profile ...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

You don’t know what you don’t know

When a member goes to check their account balance through a mobile banking app, they don’t think about the types of integrations that were put in place by their ...

- by Meredith Olmstead, FI GROW

How to pick the right digital marketing agency

When your Financial Institution is in the market for some help in this new age of digital marketing, it’s often a good idea to reach out to an agency ...

- by Stephanie Lyon, NAFCU Compliance Blog

FinCEN’s limited CDD relief now permanent

FinCEN’s Customer Due Diligence rule has been in effect, for the most part, since May 11, 2018. As you may remember from past blog 1 and blog 2, FinCEN ...

- by Peter Myers, CUES Skybox

How (personal) accountability drives empowerment

Holding oneself accountable is more than a slogan or bumper sticker. A fundamental tenet extraordinary leaders embrace is that the degree to which they hold themselves accountable dictates the extent ...