The latest from John Pettit

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

Do you have a journey map or a journey dart board?

One of the most talked about trends in financial services today is journey mapping. The term is commonly used to reference what it’s like—from beginning to end—for ...

- by Jennifer Aguilar, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Back to Basics: Businesses and field of membership

Last week, our compliance team hosted compliance professionals from across the country in San Antonio for our Compliance School and Compliance Seminar. It was a busy but very successful week. ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

Bureau says UDAAP clarity is coming

Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection (previously the CFPB) Acting Director Mick Mulvaney said the bureau is working on a rulemaking to better clarify its definition of unfair, deceptive or abusive ...

- by David Baumann, CU Times

CFPB to define ‘abusive acts or practices’

Credit union trade groups, longtime critics of the CFPB’s vague power to police financial industry “abusive” practices say they’re pleased the agency is going to take steps to ...

- by Mary Van Skiver and Heidi Bolger, CUES Skybox

The guiding light of CEO succession

Every organization is always in some form of transition, whether it’s a result of high growth, leadership succession or dealing with a change in the competitive environment. Regardless of ...

- by Bo McDonald, Your Marketing Co.

Killing the leadership crazy cycle

Task saturation. It runs deep in every organization. It’s a topic that has come up in every strategic planning session we’ve conducted this year. When we start identifying ...