The latest from John Pettit

- by Kirk Drake, The Credit Union 2.0 Blog

Do your credit union card goals match your members’ needs?

A recent survey showed that credit unions and their members are looking for different things from their credit cards. In fact, 76% credit union card goals were aimed toward growth, ...

- by CUNA News

Compliance: FFIEC launches new BSA/AML InfoBase site

The Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC) launched a redesigned Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering (BSA/AML) InfoBase website last week, aimed at sharing financial institution examination procedure information with ...

- by Jeffery Kendall, CU Times

What credit unions are learning from Venmo and Zelle

The other day, I heard from a woman who is completely frustrated with her banking experience. She has one account at her local bank and another at a global institution. ...

- by Marc Rapport,

3 ways to settle student debt

First Tech Federal Credit Union ($12.1B, Mountain View, CA) is $45 million into addressing the nation’s trillion-dollar student debt issue the Silicon Valley credit union says is hitting ...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

Credit union leadership inspiring girls to be leaders

Last Thursday marked the 7th International Day of the Girl. Not just a trending hashtag, or a reason to post pics on your Instagram and Facebook pages, October 11th is ...

- by Blaine Bartholomew , CUES NTCUE

Gamification – Taking a rewards program to the next level

Reward programs offer a perfect platform for further engagement through gamification. Gamification incorporates elements like scoring points (earning cash), instant gratification (positive reinforcement), engagement levels to strive for, achievement updates, ...

- by Henry Meier, State of Mind

Can you trust your lawyer?

Greetings Folks. I’m on my way to Syracuse where I hope to see some of you shortly and put some of my hard-earned money at risk at Turning Stone ...