The latest from John Pettit

- by Jennifer Woldt, CU Magazine

Connect with millennial homebuyers

There are the stories of millennials being saddled with large student loans, living in their parents’ basements, and having difficulty finding jobs. But things are looking up for this generation ...

- by Victor Corro, Coopera

A prayer and a promise

When I accepted the position of CEO of Coopera earlier this month, my team gave me a framed quote that, in terms of the organization’s mission and my own ...

- by Marc Rapport,

What’s in a name: Diversity & Inclusion Officer

Notre Dame Federal Credit Union ($628.1M, Notre Dame, IN) prizes diversity and inclusion in its service to 58,000 members. So much so, in fact, that it has created ...

- by Jennifer Stangl, CUES Skybox

Purposeful Talent Development: Create a habit of learning

To keep pace with changing personal goals, technology and organizational initiatives, our knowledge and skills need to evolve and develop. The book you read, course you attended or degree you ...

- by CUNA News

Search for CCUA president/CEO to resume

Sarah Vega, recently named as the new president/CEO of the Cooperative Credit Union Association, has decided to remain at her NCUA post. At CCUA’s recent Annual Convention, the ...