The latest from John Pettit

- by Brian Cleary, The Financial Brand

4 indisputable steps to optimized customer engagement

Gone are the days of a linear banking experience. The banking journey has evolved into a dynamic path, defined by a proliferation of touchpoints and owned by customers who desire ...

- by B. Dan Berger, Berger Leadership Blog

5 ways self-awareness gives you a competitive edge

To be a better leader, you must first understand yourself: your strengths and weaknesses, what drives you and what keeps you grounded. We can’t get to the next level ...

- by Tansley Stearns, CME, CSE, CUES Skybox

Don’t keep the credit union secret

For years, many of us have been calling credit unions the best-kept secret in the country. Are you getting as tired of saying that as I am? We all should ...

- by CUNA News

BCFP updates HMDA compliance guide w/ S. 2155 changes

The Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection has updated its small entity compliance guidefor the Home Mortgage Disclosure Act (HMDA) to reflect changes in the Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief and Consumer ...

- by Patrick Blawat, CU Magazine

‘Flat’ mortgage market ahead

This year is turning out like most people predicted in the mortgage arena. Rising interest rates have significantly hampered the mortgage refinance market. The growth of the purchase market can ...

- by Erik Payne,

Fight fire with funds

October 8, 2017, was like any other Sunday for Redwood Credit Union ($4.4B, Santa Rosa, CA). But business as usual was about to change. At close to 10 p....