The latest from John Pettit

- by Scott Wood, CU Management

CFO Focus: It’s time to explore liquidity options

Let’s face it, these are tough times for managing liquidity. Credit unions are trying to strike the right balance between having too many liquid assets or too few. During ...

- by Ron Jooss, CU Magazine

Synthetic ID fraud: It’s very real

Among the most fastest growing types of identity fraud is synthetic fraud, which has exploded with the proliferation of data breaches such as Equifax. “You need to be aware that ...

- by Mark Arnold, On The Mark Strategies

How to use charity involvement for positive market awareness

If your credit union or bank marketing strategy doesn’t include community involvement during the holiday season, then you’re missing the mark. Consumers today—specifically millennials and Gen Z—...

- by Preston Packer, FLEX

Integrating credit card processing with your credit union

To date, credit unions have been faced with the choice of providing credit card processing in-house or outsourcing. Historically, only big credit unions ran in-house credit card processing. Smaller CUs ...

- by Erik Payne,

The marketing mailer for mobile wallets

When the Financial Accounting Standards Board set forth a new credit loss accounting standard model, known as CECL, Michigan State University Federal Credit Union ($4.1B, East Lansing, MI) sprang ...

- by Lewis Goldman, The Financial Brand

3 keys to cultivate deeper relationships with digital banking customers

The ongoing seismic shift toward digital technologies poses significant challenges for retail banks and credit unions. Financial institutions are accustomed to interacting with consumers in brick-and-mortar branch environments. These days, ...