The latest from John Pettit

- by Don MacDonald, The Financial Brand

Data is powerful, but not a ‘silver bullet’

If you’re a typical bank or credit union, you’re facing more competition than you’ve ever seen before. However, because the industry is enjoying some of the most ...

- by Karen Bankston, CUES Skybox

CUSO funding follows function

How credit union service organizations structure and seek funding begins with the type of relationship they intend to form with their client owners and investors, says Guy Messick, partner with ...

- by Andrew Ream, Your Marketing Co.

Seeing the value

The time has come again—time to launch that new promotion. You’ve put on your best creative hat, scheduled the meetings, and now hope the brainstorming sessions yield some ...

- by Marc Rapport,

A strategy to score swipes and savings

A year-old debit swipe and savings plan at Community First Credit Union of Florida($1.6B, Jacksonville, FL) offers financial wellness for members and additional income for its own bottom ...

- by CUNA News

Compliance: Complete coverage of CUNA/NASCUS BSA Conference

CUNA, in conjunction with the National Association of State Credit Union Supervisors (NASCUS), conducted its annual Bank Secrecy Act (BSA) Certification Conference in Louisville, Ky. last week. The conference provided ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

This week: NAFCU advocacy underway as Congress returns

The House and Senate return to session this week following the midterm elections and have a number of items to address during the lame duck session. NAFCU’s award-winning advocacy ...

- by Karen Bankston, CU Management

From CUSO to international enterprise

Among the many outcomes that may result from credit unions investing in CUSOs, Passageways’ recent evolution adds “international corporate incubator” to that list. The partnership between the employee intranet and ...

- by James Collins, CU Magazine

Honor thy workplace superheroes

I just read Credit Union Magazine’s annual Credit Union Rock Star issue (sponsored by Fiserv, as it so happens). It’s dedicated to those unique, innovative people who excel ...