The latest from John Pettit

- by Paul Seibert, CMC, CU Management

Facility Solutions: Key themes for 2019

To align your occupancy strategies with your business agility plan, you must embrace change by regularly asking critical questions about how your facilities are responding to planned and unplanned events. ...

- by Lucy Harr, CU Magazine

Thriving on change to meet challenges

According to Socrates, “The secret of change is to focus all of your energy, not on fighting the old, but on building the new.” David Libby has discovered that secret. ...

- by Danielle Dyer, CUES Skybox

Embracing limitation

“Limitations aren’t the end of our potential—in fact, they’re merely the beginning,” said Phil Hansen, multimedia artist and co-founder of Phil in the Circle, Chanhassen, Minnesota. “We ...

- by Bo McDonald, Your Marketing Co.

Do You Hear What I Hear

On Saturday mornings during the Christmas season, you can usually find me in my office streaming my favorite Christmas classics and whittling away at the last of my weekly to-do ...