The latest from John Pettit

- by CU Magazine

Doing the right thing

In her 25 years with Capital Credit Union in Green Bay, Wis., Mary Kamps has helped the credit union grow to $1.4 billion from $70 million in assets. She ...

- by Taylor W. Wells, On The Mark Strategies

What does your credit union want for Christmas?

It’s Christmastime again, which means family and friends are running about making preparations for the big day. Shopping, cooking, cards, all that fun stuff. Many families will drop hints ...

- by Brandy Bruyere, NAFCU Compliance Blog

Replenishment of a credit card line

Around this time of year, sometimes members will pay off a large balance on a credit card account. Perhaps they received a substantial annual or holiday bonus. Maybe they have ...

- by Sarah Stoner, The Hyland Blog

3 steps to advance your digital transformation journey

The other day, I overheard someone say, “Every journey begins with a plan.” I’ve been thinking about that statement ever since, because while it sounds sound, it simply isn’...

- by Anthony Demangone, CU Suite

Three observations about FAO Schwartz

Last weekend, I took the dynamic duo to NYC. It was wonderful. The lights. The people. Ice skating.  The Steelers beat the Patriots. I digress.  One of the highlights from ...