The latest from John Pettit

- by Amy McCaughey, The OGO Blog

The top three credit union security threats

An exhaustive list of threats to your credit union’s network would take quite a lot of time, energy, and text space. Fortunately, we’ve come up with a format ...

- by Anthony Demangone, CU Suite

19 thoughts for 2019

In a few short days, we’ll pass into a new year. As 2019 approaches, many of us will reflect on where we are today with a thought on how ...

- by NAFCU Newsroom

FSOC report offers support for NAFCU-sought reforms

In its annual report released last week, the Financial Stability Oversight Council (FSOC) made several NAFCU-supported recommendations to ensure the U.S. financial system is prepared to handle risks and ...

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Top five personal finance posts from 2018

The year in personal finance showed us everything from bad money choices to unexpected retirement expenses. Here are the top five personal finance posts from 2018… The 4 best months ...

- by Veronica Madsen, CU Management

TCPA In 2018: A year in review

The courts deciding issues under the Telephone Consumer Protection Act in 2018 did little to provide greater clarity on how callers can effectively avoid liability for telephone calls and text ...

- by Jennifer Garrett, CU Magazine

Forging his way in finance

Once upon a time, Brent Rempe was a bit of a black sheep among the finance majors at Oklahoma State University. A lot of the other students in the business ...

- by Greg Perotto, The Financial Brand

Banking executives need a social media presence

Being active on social media is no longer a nice-to-have for financial services executives in today’s hyper-connected world – it is a necessity. Both customers and employees expect a more ...